Schlagwort: leadership
meHRsalz Interview zu Veränderungsprozessen
🌟 „Was Du fütterst, wächst“🌟Freu Dich auf ein inspirierendes Interview, bei dem Harald Schirmer seine Expertise und Ansichten über die…
Leading Virtual Teams
LinkedIn asks the expert network about their experience around certain topics – this time about „Leading virtual Teams“ – as…
How to activate your virtual session participants?
In this post, I share my tips to solve this problem: You are in an online meeting or virtual conference,…
The Risk with Eisenhowers Matrix
With this post, I want to put a light on the famous Eisenhower Matrix and some challenges coming with it.…
We can inspire for a better world
In a world of fear and negative predictions, we need people who believe in humans: who love nature and life who tell stories about a possible…
Top HR Influencer – Social Learning Ergebnis
Großes Dankeschön an die Haufe Group mit Reiner Straub und Stefanie Hornung für die Nominierung zum Top HR Influencer (zum 3. Mal – und wieder auf…
Leadership as emergent property
1. How do we identify the system in which we operate?2. Do we have the needed competence and attitude for complex or chaotic frame conditions3. Are we able…
Bridging the digital gap with business transformation
Wow, what an awesome visualization the Keen Folks put together here – but the content is even more amazing. Learning…