Harald Schirmer - es kommt nicht nur darauf an, was wir tun, sondern WIE wir es tun!

Bridging the digital gap with business transformation

Wow, what an awesome visualization the Keen Folks put together here – but the content is even more amazing.

Learning from thought leaders across the industries has always been a great inspiration to me. For the second time now I have been invited to contribute myself some experience and thoughts to this collection of insights:

Check out their great web experience at https://thekeenfolks.com/bridge-digital-gap with their study results

Invest in realizing your achievements, not measuring it.

The constantly growing number of rules and constantly changing frame conditions are just slowing us down.

The beauty of following a shared purpose is that it is holistic and sustainable and flexible. It allows us to do different things in different ways but still staying on a common path.

Successful transformers have many questions – desperate to listen and learn.

Step back from trying to manage people, to measure your steps and achievements. Get out of your comfort zone and start YOUR personal learning journey. Become a role model for networking and connect to people outside of your company.

Right now, more than ever, at the pandemic, all businesses should try to create real impact with digital leadership, digital networks, ups killing for complexity, fostering, and using the richness of real diversity.

Transparency and collaboration are the key aspects that businesses should be focusing on to ensure a smooth digital transformation journey

Transparency and collaboration are the key aspects that businesses should be focusing on to ensure a smooth digital transformation journey.

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