
Mit Neugier, Respekt & Mut gemeinsam Zukunft gestalten

The VIDEO – New Work Style Story


Within the last two and a half years, we set the basis for a massive transformation at Continental. We re-designed learning, communication, change and support – as well as methods, tools and most of all the „attitude“ or mindset behind it. We built divers global networks with about 5000 People, created new roles to deal with constant changes coming from the cloud based software as a service setup.

About 25 tools, more than a dozend learning options, our own artificial intelligence social bot, a trust based manifest with our works council and many many other highlights are the results of two years of experimenting with leadership, culture techniques, technology, various forms of networks, decentral – crossfunctional teams and respect for humans at the first place.

New Work Style - share work collaborate

If we respect the needs of our people, allow (and foster) participation, hand over responsibility, share raw material and empower the passionate early adopters… we only need to put a spotlight on all the wonderful activities, show our appreciation and make the best practices available to the others (if not done by the people themsleves … working out loud)

Here you find three Videos, giving you a little impression on our journey:

Video documentation at start of our project

Promoting our Migration with our mascot and AI-Social Bot:

Manifest – a trust agreement

Here you can download our manifest which is the great result of a trust-based collaboration with our works council:

New learning concept for „New Work Style“

Overview and some impressions:

Video review at the end of the Project:

The result: 71% of the migration feedback: (very) satisfied and an additional 20% neutral for gloabl migration effecting about 150 000 colleagues in 60 countries. Managers from various countries approached us (unasked) „this has been the smoothest migration ever seen“.

I want to thank all the great colleagues, who trusted me/us in this incredible project. Even if it has been quite exhausting… our culture development and behavior change to New Work Style just got started. Now it is about stabilization, consolidation, documentation and improvement of all the things we established

External Learning providers experience:

German Video about a part of our learning journey from Haufe Akademie giving an insight on the challenge and attitude: Trainers feedback „Once in a life time experience“

Want to learn more about our New Work Style?

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