SlideShare has updated their business model, preventing a simple continuation of using it as described
– still it remains in the core a valuable option to create scalable impact.
For me it is still amazing to see the reach of content, which I initially put together for a presentation, a keynote or as a summary from a project. Typical events I am invited to host up to 35o people – which is great already. Looking at the download numbers of the presentations I am sharing in parallel, shows me the power of social sharing and one of the very clear benefits of the available technology for communication and collaboration: It is a tremendous efficiency.

Preparing a slide deck for 100 people is great, but seeing thousands of people using it without any extra effort, is a scaling effect, which is – in my eyes – unique.
For my last presentation „Enabling an Organization for the Digital Age“ for example – at the Quadriga Hochschule Berlin, I uploaded the slides already 2 weeks prior to the Keynote, with the effect that it had been downloaded about 1.000
times already (more than 10 times the participants number) – before it even took place – with the side effect, that the questions I received at the live event, where a lot more concrete and – what I loved most – I could concentrate on the stories to tell – since the „background“ slides – which are important to understand whats behind… I did not even have to show – only reference to them. This does not only open up a later dialog but engages more valuable networks.
Working Out Loud – becoming more transparent what we do and how we do is such a positive way of learning from each other. And it’s not only SlideShare, which became a great source for learning to me, but also YouTube, Podcasts, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and not to forget the great series of TED Talk videos – for me the most compressed and inspiring way of learning and engagement.
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