Harald Schirmer - es kommt nicht nur darauf an, was wir tun, sondern WIE wir es tun!

Schlagwort: learning

  • Leveraging Complexity

    Leveraging Complexity

    There is quite some material about complexity available – never-the-less it seems one of the biggest challenges to identify complex tasks or problems (and distinguish from complicated or simple ones) and even more to apply reasonable, fitting methods and formats. Today I want to exemplify my personal approach on leveraging the power of complexity. In…


  • The power of SHARING

    The power of SHARING

    Only if we stick our brains together, learning from and with each other, across our existing silos, we will be able to solve todays complex tasks… via sharing. #SHARING is a fairly new term for many, which has a variety of meanings. Some see it as sending a file via eMail or „uploading a final…


  • The Risk with Eisenhowers Matrix

    The Risk with Eisenhowers Matrix

    With this post, I want to put a light on the famous Eisenhower Matrix and some challenges coming with it. No doubt, the president of a big nation needs to have very efficient workflows and effective filters, to „get the right things done“ – in the end, even they only have a limited amount of…


  • Podcast „Agile Way of Working“ at Software Academy

    Podcast „Agile Way of Working“ at Software Academy

    Not (yet) available outside of Continental – we have various  podcast, webcast and other multimedia formats to  educate, inspire and guide our colleagues worldwide – in an asynchronous format. Scalable communication and collaboration becomes more an more essential – and efficient. It is important so, to offer exchange next to providing content – and moderate discussions.Thanks a lot to Hannes Hess for the great learning journey…


  • WE can change the world!

    WE can change the world!

    I have been invited to a Diversity Network for an inspiration Keynote / Excellence talk around Change, New Work Style, Trust, Leadership and Networks. My core statement: We CAN change the world, trust me it’s worth trying. I invite you to read my thoughts with additional comments and background… there has been no better time to…


  • 10 Tipps for better Homeoffice

    10 Tipps for better Homeoffice

    Being in home office for more than a decade (fully at home – 600 km away from my (no longer existing physical) workplace in headquarters) – here are some tips, to make life better during Corona Isolation e.g. better food when having no/little time to cook: experiment with healthy food (fast food is not a…


  • Your choice: Evolution or Revolution

    Your choice: Evolution or Revolution

    How much time do you really invest in learning? Sometimes it feels like living on a different planet. For some people all the innovation, technology and (digital) options feel very disruptive, the future completely unclear, even frightening. Others can’t wait to get the next update… If change feels like a revolution – re-think your priorities!…


  • The VIDEO – New Work Style Story

    The VIDEO – New Work Style Story

    Within the last two and a half years, we set the basis for a massive transformation at Continental. We re-designed learning, communication, change and support – as well as methods, tools and most of all the „attitude“ or mindset behind it. We built divers global networks with about 5000 People, created new roles to deal…


  • Introduction to LinkedIn Business Networking

    Introduction to LinkedIn Business Networking

    I use LinkedIn as my professional Business Networking Platform – since May 2011. In 2016 I started various tests, where I could find more value in this platform, other than „just being there“ and getting mails from people selling something, headhunters or advertisements (back than). Maybe it helps you too, to get started or to…


  • Vortrag Microsoft Office 365 – New Work Style Migration bei AUDI

    Vortrag Microsoft Office 365 – New Work Style Migration bei AUDI

    In der Vortragsreihe der AUDI AG „Zusammenarbeit 2.0“ war ich eingeladen über Erfahrungen mit Enterprise Social Media, unserem globalen GUIDE Netzwerk sowie der aktuellen Transformation (Einführung von Microsoft Office 365 – New Work Style) zu sprechen: New Work Style ist dabei eine Kulturentwicklung mit dem Fokus auf Transparenz und Sharing, effizienteres Arbeiten (einfacher, weniger Aufwand,…


  • Twitter for beginners – an introduction

    Twitter for beginners – an introduction

    27.12.2017 – translation of my post from 2015 translated by Sebastian Kolberg What is Twitter? What’s that good for? How does that work? …. “But I don’t want to tell you everything about myself… that doesn’t matter anyway… it’s just nonsense… I can’t do anything with it…” > Questions and sentences I come across very…


  • Core elements of digital collaboration platforms

    Core elements of digital collaboration platforms

    What do almost all collaboration platforms have in common? learning the basics about the five core elements of digital collaboration, will make your life a lot easier! No matter if it is UBER, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, Slack, LinkedIn, My Hammer, eBay, YouTube, ESN…? Many people struggle about the great amount of different platforms. Once they…


  • Digital Transformation is not a project!

    Digital Transformation is not a project!

    Thoughts about change, projects and a better way to deal with something new … People Development You can’t get around digital transformation anymore. So far so good. Now the strategists think of how to react, what to do and where to go. It seems a natural reaction to start a „Digital Transformation Project“. Projects are…


  • Collaboration with other countries

    Collaboration with other countries

    Benedikt Scherer from Cogneon asked me to share my experience – specially when it comes to train colleagues in Asia. He wrote a summary of his one week visit in Tokyo for training reasons. Here are some statements experience by testing new leadership and social collaboration (on eye level) as well as lessons I have…


  • Corporate Learning 2.0 MOOC – Woche 1

    Corporate Learning 2.0 MOOC – Woche 1

    In den nächsten 8 Wochen geht es im diesem MOOC um das Lernen im Organisationsumfeld. Jede Woche übernimmt eine andere Firma die Inspirationen – diese Woche ist es die Deutsche Bahn mit Ihrem „Next Education“ Projekt (Whitepaper). Simon Dückert hat mich eingeladen mit Ihm in wöchentlichen Video-Podcasts den aktuellen Stand erst gemeinsam und dann mit…


  • Gelerntes vergessen lernen?

    Gelerntes vergessen lernen?

    Was für ein seltsamer Titel? Am 21. September startet der Corporate Learning 2.0 MOOC #CL20 – in Vorbereitung darauf möchte ich einige Gedanken teilen, die mich zum Thema „lernen“ seit langem beschäftigen. Das Beschreibung entstammt aus verschiedenen eigenen Erlebnissen aber auch Erfahrungen mit diversen Change Projekten, Trainingssituationen zu verschiedenen Organisationsprojekten und aus der Kulturentwicklung. Letztlich hat…


  • Self Assessment – Digital Maturity

    Self Assessment – Digital Maturity

    Digital Transformation is a buzzword – hardly anyone can explain that with only a few sentences. For most people it is even „just an IT topic“. Today I introduced the idea of an self assessment at the DGFP Zukunftswerkstatt in Berlin – and got quite some good feedback (Thank you for the additions!!) [box type=“download“…


  • Working Out Loud in practice

    Working Out Loud in practice

    After privately and in business context testing various ways on how „Working Out Loud“ as a new way of Organizational Learning can be used, here are some first examples and „lessons learned“ – combined with some thoughts where this could develop too. To start with an overall impression – WOL has enormous potential for engagement, receiving appreciation…


  • Infographic about organizational learning and knowledge management

    Infographic about organizational learning and knowledge management

    Knowledge Management in the past decades was aiming for collecting, storing and categorizing knowledge. In my eyes it failed – Huge databases of dead documents have been built with tremendous effort and very little outcome. Usability, maintenance or accessibility – it just did not work – not to mention the never reached ROI (=return of…
