Schlagwort: digital transformation
The power of OpenAI – Artificial Intelligence next level
To test and demonstrate the power of the current version of the ChatGPT, I asked the Artificial Intelligence ChatBot about…
Rethink reporting – and focus on business improvement
Isn’t it funny: people keep telling me, they have „no time“ to learn or do „cool stuff“, because they are…
Bridging the digital gap with business transformation
Wow, what an awesome visualization the Keen Folks put together here – but the content is even more amazing. Learning…
Bridge the digital Gap – Transformation Insights
TheKeenFolks in collaboration with Marketing Expert Johannes Ceh (OurJobToBeDone) asked 14 thought leaders on how to remake business processes to…
Podcast Interview Teil 1 bei digiTALK
Der Podcast digiTALK – Digitale Transformation für Entscheider hat sich zur Aufgabe gemacht herauszufinden, was genau “Digitale Transformation” oder auch “Digitalisierung”…
GUIDE role sketch note
We are educating about 1.000 colleagues to become GUIDEs for our current (digital) Transformation project. 2012, when we started the…
HR Excellence Award für WOL
Was für ein Jahr! Vor einiger Zeit hatten wir den ersten Versuch gemacht, mit einem Netzwerk einen der prominenten Awards…