
Mit Neugier, Respekt & Mut gemeinsam Zukunft gestalten

Supporting future HR with education for a digital world


If you want to change a self-stabilizing system (like hierarchy) it takes various actions, great teams, endurance and multiple levels to create impact. Next to my work at Continental AG, various keynotes, articles, mentoring, blogging, interviews, podcasts, role modeling, discussions… education is also a great way to ensure not only todays world evolves, but future generations will learn about different ways of working – or at least sharing experience and showing them „it could be different too“.


Dr. David Wagner and the GGS (German Graduate School) offers a modern format education program (guided and well structured MOOC) for Human Resource Management in the Digital Age


I had the opportunity to contribute from our practical experience. The „special“ about it: Once David Wagner asked me for an interview „at work“, I told him … than you have to visit me at home… „Mobile Work“ is my workplace and home is, where I do most of it. A short time later, I had my home office full of light and camera equipment and his team setting up the interview…

Why am I telling this? We see so many things as „given“… if we really want to change things, people should be able to experience the new setup „all the way through“ … so not as a separate, single action, but as a mission. Specially Digital Transformation is a very holistic change, leaving nothing un-touched. If you really get into agile work, virtual teams, global and open collaboration… not much will stay the same…

I am really curious how the new education method will work out, how much engagement this will trigger at the students, if we will have exchange… stay tuned!

For sure Karina Piersig & David Wagner did a great job in preparing a great concept – and I like this video too!


Target groups: Business students & business professionals
Schedule: 3rd October – 11th December 2016
Course length: 10 weeks
Cost: 199,00$
Platform: NovoEd (https://novoed.com/

more details

Eine Antwort zu „Supporting future HR with education for a digital world“

  1. […] trailer, more details and registration: https://novoed.com/ggs-digihrm. Join […]

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