
Mit Neugier, Respekt & Mut gemeinsam Zukunft gestalten

GUIDE role sketch note


We are educating about 1.000 colleagues to become GUIDEs for our current (digital) Transformation project.

2012, when we started the first GUIDE network to implement Enterprise Social Media, it took us quite some effort to build trust for this new role and find about 400 colleagues worldwide. Seems like the reputation is still echoing… this time with an updated concept, we have more than 2.000 nominees already.

Two weeks ago, we started our first of 15 regional GUIDE education camps – 5 days each.

For many it is still a challenge, not to just learn tools, but soft skills, change methods and all about networking, WOL and values based collaboration.

One mission is also to become familiar with the enhance GUIDE role, which we want to make a permanent mission – even beyond this project (culture change must not be done in projects 😉

Finding solutions (as a core task for the GUIDEs) in todays constantly changing environment, it requires having good skills in listening, changing perspective and „Asking the right questions
Britta Krüger created this very condensed sketch note from last weeks event discussions and my keynote.

I love this graphical way of „relevant notes taking„. I see this as a valuable competence in complexity – helping others (often across cultural hurdles) to understand.

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