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Jon Ingham’s new Book „The Social Organization“


What an honor! Jon Ingham (British HR Consultant) (LinkedIn / Twitter), Organization Strategist (website) is about to publish a new book, which adds „social and digital“ to our organizational thinking. He gave me the great opportunity to read it upfront and despite having very little time for additional extra projects, this caught my attention very fast.

We see more and more books coming out form all kind of authors – evangelists, regular authors making money, just a few people actually being in the process of re-organization (they are typically quite busy right now 😉 Jon’s book is different.

When I first cross-red through the chapters, it felt like a very substantial Glossary of todays knowledge about organizational designs. Structured development of what „Social“ is, where it comes from and why it can (and should) make all the difference. The „digital“ influence is laid out and connected the way we work today. Personally I would love to see those great chapters either as part of wikipedia or even a more dynamic, context sensitive digital (open source) glossary… but that is more my own dream 😉

As I have seen his #OPM – Organization Prioritization Model already in his blog, I was curious to see it embedded in the full story and … it all makes so much sense. It is all about understanding the relevance of people focus and how enablement can work.

All this is investigated with great love for „HR“ and it’s future opportunities. I would love to see our HR deciders to read his great food for thought – rooted in many very relevant case studies and references. There is plenty of proof for his argumentation and conclusions, so even the typical doubters should be able to follow Jon’s proposals.

It is lacking the typical „tomorrow the world will look like this“ buzz-sentences. His analytic approach, staying to the facts and studies, makes this book a trustful base for own conclusions – it is mind opening on the basis of great observations.

After reading, I felt empowered and engaged
to drive my own social/digital/organizational transformation.

Thanks a lot Jon for this great book!
It can be pre-ordered at Amazon to be published June 3rd here

PS: I would love to see it as an audio-book, extending it’s reach also to those, with more travel time than reading time 😉

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