Schlagwort: network
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The power of digital collaboration networks
The power of digital collaboration networks > no pictures, just a bit of my essence about scalable digital collaboration network impact As in the offline world, networks are one of the most valuable success factors! With this post I want to how I build a valuable personal network and what you can expect by what…
IOMtalk mit Björn zu skalierbarem Enablement
Es ist immer spannend und interessant mit Björn Negelmann über Digital-Themen zu sprechen. Am 16.02.2021 hat er eingeladen via Zoom über skalierbares Enablement in Organisationen zu sprechen. Der Talk ist hier in der Mediathek verfügbar: Zugang buchen (die Talks sind kostenlos im Freemium verfügbar) Views: 318
WE can change the world!
I have been invited to a Diversity Network for an inspiration Keynote / Excellence talk around Change, New Work Style, Trust, Leadership and Networks. My core statement: We CAN change the world, trust me it’s worth trying. I invite you to read my thoughts with additional comments and background… there has been no better time to…
BVCM Interview – Corporate Community Management
Schon vor einiger Zeit war ich eingeladen dem Bundesverband der Community Manager Fragen zum Organisationsinternen Community Management und zu Netzwerken zu beantworten. Da ich die Arbeit des Verbandes sehr Schätze und z.B. das so wichtige Profil für Community Manager gerne bewerbe, bin ich dem gerne nachgekommen. In vielen Firmen wird Community Management noch als kleiner…
Join me at ESNchat
I love to support modern, digital/virtual discussion formats like this one: The ESNchat is a weekly chat on Twitter founded by @JeffKRoss. Thursdays 2-3pm ET (20:00 – 21:00 Uhr Germany). Subject: ESN = Enterprise Social Networks. Co-hosts & tweets: @jhonig1, @noahsparks @RitaZonius & @rainerbartl Rainer Bartl invited me this thursday, February 07th to join…
Thoughts about Orgs
Some thoughts about various Organizational forms and some attributes – not to be seen as good/bad or old/new but to reference which organization is the best for what goal and which tools, what culture is needed to achieve it, plus a people view. UPDATE!!! The power of diverse networks: Just 2 days after publishing my…
Courage for Change – A little Inspiration for Organizational Rebels
This article – originally in German Language on LinkedIn received already more than 9000 views, 400 likes and about 70 valuable comments and more than 1000 re-shares (yes I am a bit proud) Sebastian Kolberg kindly provided the translation here: Why is change so difficult? How can an organization meet the challenges of the digital age? What can…
The best hiking boots won’t take HR to Mars!
April 14th 2018 – translation of this post by Sebastian Kolberg The DGFP invites you to think about the future of HR in a blog parade. I am happy to participate in the discussion as a basis for the conference on 3-4 May, which will take place in parallel – and in conjunction with re:publica. The core…
Core elements of digital collaboration platforms
What do almost all collaboration platforms have in common? learning the basics about the five core elements of digital collaboration, will make your life a lot easier! No matter if it is UBER, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, Slack, LinkedIn, My Hammer, eBay, YouTube, ESN…? Many people struggle about the great amount of different platforms. Once they…
Evolving Organizations from a greater perspective
To be what we are … and to become whatever we are capable of becoming, is the only end in life. Robert Louis Stevenson Thanks to Kerstin Schinck (Deutsche Bank) I came across this great video, describing the evolution of organizations in correspondence to key aspects in collaboration, goals and participation. I see this…
5 Elements of Working Out Loud
John Stepper gave us a great gift with his Book „Working Out Loud„. Our world becomes more and more digital, so new behaviors, new habits and competence is needed to master it. Besides it would be great to make our world a better place too;-) For our Organization I introduced Working Out Loud also as…
Keynote at 600Minutes Human Resources
Looking forward to my Keynote at 600 Minutes Human Resources conference / Munich Hilton Park, tomorrow. My Topics will be Digital Transformation, Co-Creation, Working Out Loud, CoachNet, Networks, Leadership, Digital Maturity and of course the role of HR. What I specially like about this event is their advanced digital organization, via a modern web based platform (delegate portal) to…
QR-Code tragen – Visitenkarten sind so gestern
Manchmal wundert es mich, wie lange es dauert, bis sich manche Dinge durchsetzen 😉 Nicht nur bei Vorträgen, Konferenzen auch im Sport oder bei vielen anderen Gelegenheiten trifft man Menschen, mit denen man entweder in Kontakt bleiben möchte, über die man mehr erfahren will – oder schlichtweg auf einem Foto herausfinden möchte, wer das war.…