..only happens, once great people make it happen. Today in the digital age, we can learn from each other, share our best practices and support us with appreciation – a very needed part of „resilience“ – as changing organizations, foremost needs endurance. In this post I will share the names of such great people (who are active on one of the best learning channels: #Twitter)

Sharing their names can also be seen as my personal #appreciation to them, as they are giving me strength, knowledge and inspiration to constantly go on. I want to say a big THANK YOU to each one of them – and maybe they become valuable contacts for you too – at least I recommend following them and learn from the „best people“ across organizational boarders.
Here are two lists of such great people, supporting you and each other in that transformation journey: I recommend following them to see, how they do it, learn about their „topics on the way“, get a little piece of their passion, be inspired and maybe you also give something back to them:
#Sharing and #Collaboration across organizational boarders
My constantly growing list of #CorporateInfluencers:
- Members:
- Tweets:
My constantly growing list of Top #DigitalAgeConsultant:
- Members:
- Tweets:
You miss someone – just send me a tweet with the name and the hashtag.
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