Harald Schirmer - es kommt nicht nur darauf an, was wir tun, sondern WIE wir es tun!

Schlagwort: culture

  • Digital Leader Award 2021 – Jury

    Digital Leader Award 2021 – Jury

    Auch dieses Jahr fand der Digital Leader Award in München statt. Eine hybride Veranstaltung um den Corona Vorgaben Rechnung zu tragen. Das Orga Team der IDG und Teile der Jury waren vor Ort. Als Teil der Jury konnte ich am 30. Juni 2021 die Gewinner der Kategorie „People“ beglückwünschen. Seit 2017 kann ich über diese…


  • Digital Leader Award 2019 – Jury

    Digital Leader Award 2019 – Jury

    Auch in diesem Jahr war ich wieder eingeladen als Teil der Jury die diesjährigen „besten Digitalen Projekte“ zu bewerten. Es ist immer sehr spannend vorab all die Einreichungen zu sichten, online nach „transparenten Wirkungen“ zu suchen und dann am Event, die Gewinner persönlich zu treffen und Erfahrungen auszutauschen Ein weiterer „Kopf“, Vordenker und – Mensch!…


  • Collaboration with other countries

    Collaboration with other countries

    Benedikt Scherer from Cogneon asked me to share my experience – specially when it comes to train colleagues in Asia. He wrote a summary of his one week visit in Tokyo for training reasons. Here are some statements experience by testing new leadership and social collaboration (on eye level) as well as lessons I have…


  • Questions for HR Business Partner

    Questions for HR Business Partner

    Time is changing – specially for HR I see many new topics rising. The term „HR Business Partner“ implies that HR acts as a consultant for business leaders. Based on current evaluations, HR is not the function with the most advanced digital know how, nor being the function with the highest interest in it (still). In my…


  • Self Assessment – Digital Maturity

    Self Assessment – Digital Maturity

    Digital Transformation is a buzzword – hardly anyone can explain that with only a few sentences. For most people it is even „just an IT topic“. Today I introduced the idea of an self assessment at the DGFP Zukunftswerkstatt in Berlin – and got quite some good feedback (Thank you for the additions!!) [box type=“download“…


  • Working Out Loud in practice

    Working Out Loud in practice

    After privately and in business context testing various ways on how „Working Out Loud“ as a new way of Organizational Learning can be used, here are some first examples and „lessons learned“ – combined with some thoughts where this could develop too. To start with an overall impression – WOL has enormous potential for engagement, receiving appreciation…


  • Change – Values – One size fits all?

    Change – Values – One size fits all?

    The second part of my thoughts about a modern change management approach is about values and the typical way in big company (or government) to roll out changes: „One size fit’s all“. In my experience today we are able to engage an individual change approach – of course we need a network of supporters for that,…


  • Review Keynote Knowtech Lebendiges Wissen – Organisationen als lebendiger Organismus

    Review Keynote Knowtech Lebendiges Wissen – Organisationen als lebendiger Organismus

    Erste Zusammenfassung der Resonanz auf meine Keynote – vielen Dank für die vielen aktiv Beteiligten und die lebendige und positive „Dokumentation“! Foto: Joachim Niemeier (@JoachimNiemeier) Meine Präsentation zum Nachblättern: Views: 461


  • Searching for a job? – ask the right questions!

    Searching for a job? – ask the right questions!

    I just had a discussion on what is #E20 (Enterprise 2.0) and we could clearly answer this one by „a holistic approach on how modern companies do business“. In the beginning of Social Media – it was all about Communication and collaboration. Marketing for products and of course for jobs. Today you will hardly find…
