
Mit Neugier, Respekt & Mut gemeinsam Zukunft gestalten

Self Assessment – Digital Maturity


Digital Transformation is a buzzword – hardly anyone can explain that with only a few sentences. For most people it is even „just an IT topic“. Today I introduced the idea of an self assessment at the DGFP Zukunftswerkstatt in Berlin – and got quite some good feedback (Thank you for the additions!!)

Technology surely is a trigger in Digital Transformation, but it is all about people,
behavior and a very different attitude.

My idea (which I am currently discussing in various groups) is to have a sort of mapping, where people or even organizations can find out, where they are, and where they want to grow too.

In a first step, I would like to offer this matrix

where we can locate ourselves by checking which of the four quadrants describe best our current environment. Besides this offers an idea of the complexity and variety of connected topics around digital transformation. In my eyes that works like a spiral – wherever you start (and really mean to become digital) – you will find many things happening – because each step opens new possibilities and influences other areas.

Here is an example: 

You install an enterprise social network – than you actively promote a new culture of transparency (that is needed – tools are not social – people are) -> people start sharing what they do -> they learn from each other -> they build competence in sharing -> they use less documents and focus on content (status updates, blogs, wikis) -> that reduces software requirements and bandwidth -> which is great for mobile devices -> enabling you to work remotely -> giving you the option to work at different times (your work is now available and sustainable) -> requiring new work models -> allowing you to bring your kids to school, work for 5 hours, have some family time, continue work later in the evening…

The Self Assessment in digital maturity:

I would be highly interested in getting your feedback about this picture – before I start explaining it any further 😉

Self Assessment - Digital Maturity

(click to zoom)

In a next step we can develop a simple questionnaire from that matrix, which people can just fill out or „rate“ – to receive either a result in from of a grade or even giving a guided recommendation, which would be the next step to invest in… I am looking forward to this development.

I love to find more practical approaches and „down to earth“ examples, which help people to understand the personal impact. If we can create relevance for a topic, it is much easier to create curiosity for a change. What do you think?

5 Antworten zu „Self Assessment – Digital Maturity“

  1. […] – besonders als Teil meiner Überlegungen zum Digitalen Reifegrad, den ich hier erarbeite: Self Assessment & Digital Maturity / Social Collaboration Maturity Levels / Social Collaboration Maturity Level […]

  2. […] Verhaltens- und Haltungsänderung. Wer ein kurzes Self-Assessment machen möchte, kann gern diese kleine Matrix (erkennen des eigenen digitalen Reifegrades) dafür nutzen. „Wollen und Können“ sind […]

  3. […] on my „Digital Self Assessment“ I put together some questions, HR colleagues might want to ask […]

  4. Avatar von Jochen Iseke
    Jochen Iseke

    Thank you for sharing this compelling model, Harald. I feel it explains that it needs both competence and culture to achieve digital maturity.

    On the other hand I think that quadrants 2 and 3 are preconditions to achieve level 4 rather than they are intermediate steps on the journey from 1 thru 4.

    So I have worked a bit on your model, cut it in pieces and arranged it in another way. Please follow this link to see and comment my thougts: https://karriereundtalent.wordpress.com/

    I am curious!

  5. […] Harald Schirmer hat dazu ein Modell skizziert (der entsprechende Beitrag öffnet sich durch Klick auf den Link), das ich hier ein wenig weitergedacht habe: […]

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