Schlagwort: transparency
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Bridging the digital gap with business transformation
Wow, what an awesome visualization the Keen Folks put together here – but the content is even more amazing. Learning from thought leaders across the industries has always been a great inspiration to me. For the second time now I have been invited to contribute myself some experience and thoughts to this collection of insights:…
Maturity Glossary – please participate
We use words to communicate- each one of us has it’s own network of thoughts about words. Specially in change initiatives, I find it highly relevant, to build a common understanding of the words used. click here to participate Views: 492
Leading Change Methoden
Was ist ein Rule Breaker Workshop? Warum helfen OPENCALLs Widerstände zu verringern? Was ist das GUIDE Konzept? Wie sieht Lernen im digitalen Zeitalter aus? oder Wie kann Beteiligung helfen, komplexe Problem zu lösen? Was meinst Du mit #MutAnfall oder warum ist Neugier so wichtig? Leading Change Methoden für komplexe Aufgaben im digitalen Zeitalter Seit vielen…
5 Elements of Working Out Loud
John Stepper gave us a great gift with his Book „Working Out Loud„. Our world becomes more and more digital, so new behaviors, new habits and competence is needed to master it. Besides it would be great to make our world a better place too;-) For our Organization I introduced Working Out Loud also as…
Change – Values – One size fits all?
The second part of my thoughts about a modern change management approach is about values and the typical way in big company (or government) to roll out changes: „One size fit’s all“. In my experience today we are able to engage an individual change approach – of course we need a network of supporters for that,…