
Mit Neugier, Respekt & Mut gemeinsam Zukunft gestalten

VUCArockers – a positive attitude – how do YOU rock VUCA?


VUCA = Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity … this term is used since some years to describe the challenges of the digital age. In my view this is used today in many negative ways: Creating fear, as an excuse, as a dogma and to separate people in „digital“ and analog sections. Of course there are many challenges in this „new world“ of connectedness, but as we know from any changes in the past – we will find ways to deal with them.

But there are also people, who do not only want to „deal“ with problems, but creating real improvements for people. Not driven by technological possibilities, but human needs, a positive mindset and the aim to make our world a better place.


I meet so many of such great people, who want to contribute in many different ways. They are intrinsically motivated, passionate, creative, often fear-less and very resilient. As I am a big believer of „words generate reality“ I try to find terms, which either already express what people do (like GUIDEs), try to „reload“ existing terms with new meaning or I create new ones, which make people think, creating doubts (if their understanding is the only one) or at least make people talk about the topic behind. Not in a destructive but engaging, inspiring way, I would love to have a discussion about

„How do we want to
design the VUCA world?“

(not suffering from it)

Want to be partof this and „rock“ VUCA together ?

Call for ideas!

How do YOU personally ROCK VUCA?

write a blogpost, Twitter, LinkedIn…. and tag your post with #VUCArockers

2 Antworten zu „VUCArockers – a positive attitude – how do YOU rock VUCA?“

  1. […] wollen Sie die VUCA-Welt gestalten? Call for Ideas. Machen Sie mit und versehen Sie Ihren Beitrag mit […]

  2. Avatar von Sebastian Kolberg
    Sebastian Kolberg

    Dear Harald, thanks for sharing this and I love the idea of #VUCARockers, pls find here my perspective and blog.


    Looking forward to see others with their views and perspective joining the discussion.

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