Schlagwort: digital_transformation
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Digital Transformation is not a project!
Thoughts about change, projects and a better way to deal with something new … People Development You can’t get around digital transformation anymore. So far so good. Now the strategists think of how to react, what to do and where to go. It seems a natural reaction to start a „Digital Transformation Project“. Projects are…
Influencing Digital Transformation
At the Reconnect Global Business Leader Conference in Berlin I could work together with the participants in five rounds to sharpen a question which is around for a while. „How can we influence the adoption of Digital Transformation?“ In other words, where is the biggest impact in Digital Transformation and how can we address that with the…
Veröffentlichung: Mitgestalten – befähigen – führen
Mitgestalten – befähigen – führen – Social Business Infrastrukturen sind kein Selbstzweck … so der Titel eines weiteren Beitrags, diesmal in Kooperation mit Sirka Laudon (Leiterin Personalentwicklung Axel Springer) und Stephan Grabmeier (Geschäftsführer Innovation Evangelists). Im Fachmagazin des DGFP „PERSONAL FÜHRUNG“ beleuchten wir verschiedene Facetten auf dem Weg in eine Enterprise 2.0 Organisation. Trotz doch…
Photos from South Carolina – Charleston
For a short Businesstrip / Conference (where I presented about Digital Transformation), I had the chance to go to USA – during the stay and short before departure, I could take some pictures. I typically get up very early (or stay up very late) when I am on tour, to get at least some impressions…
BigData – Analytics – Wearables – Danger?
Sorry for this long text – I needed to write some thoughts down, to engage a bit of discussion on it…please see it as an early draft… It seems to be a given development, where the only question is „when“ will we see the massive impact of this digital transformation, initiated by the technical possibilities…