Harald Schirmer - es kommt nicht nur darauf an, was wir tun, sondern WIE wir es tun!

Schlagwort: maturity

  • Maturity Glossary – please participate

    Maturity Glossary – please participate

    We use words to communicate- each one of us has it’s own network of thoughts about words. Specially in change initiatives, I find it highly relevant, to build a common understanding of the words used. click here to participate Views: 393


  • Digital Maturity Blab – VideoChat

    Digital Maturity Blab – VideoChat

    Hier ein mini „Review“ zu dem fast 2-stündigen Video-Chat am Montag Abend 20:20 Uhr – 22:00 Uhr – wer möchte kann jetzt auch direkt reinhören – wir haben aufgezeichnet. VIELEN DANK den aktiven Teilnehmern für den tollen Austausch! Arbeitstitel war: #FlowDigitalGlossary  /Digital Maturity Blab ist wie ein VIDEO Fishbowl – TwitterAccount notwendig …war natürlich kein Problem mit DigitalExperts 😉…


  • Keynote at 600Minutes Human Resources

    Keynote at 600Minutes Human Resources

    Looking forward to my Keynote at 600 Minutes Human Resources conference / Munich Hilton Park, tomorrow. My Topics will be Digital Transformation, Co-Creation, Working Out Loud, CoachNet, Networks, Leadership, Digital Maturity and of course the role of HR. What I specially like about this event is their advanced digital organization, via a modern web based platform (delegate portal) to…


  • Self Assessment – Digital Maturity

    Self Assessment – Digital Maturity

    Digital Transformation is a buzzword – hardly anyone can explain that with only a few sentences. For most people it is even „just an IT topic“. Today I introduced the idea of an self assessment at the DGFP Zukunftswerkstatt in Berlin – and got quite some good feedback (Thank you for the additions!!) [box type=“download“…
