Harald Schirmer - es kommt nicht nur darauf an, was wir tun, sondern WIE wir es tun!

Schlagwort: like

  • LightningTalk bei der LOSCON23

    LightningTalk bei der LOSCON23

    In 5 Minuten wesentliches rüberbringen – für einen TikToker in der Regel kein Problem, die schaffen das in 30-90 Sekunden… Etwas mehr Tiefe darf es dann bei der LOSCON23 am 11./12. Juli 2023 schon sein. „Finding starts with Sharing“ – klingt so banal, wie oft vergessen die üblichen 90% der Social und Online-Content KonsumentInnen, dass…


  • Feedback = Engagement

    Feedback = Engagement

    One power of social media is in the ease of sharing feedback in many forms. We still see many people struggling with a simple „Thank You“ – which (quite some time ago) I gathered my experience and made a personal, practical feedback recommendation guide. The „features“ needed for this are extremely simple to operate and are available…


  • 2015 online statistic – Harald Schirmer

    2015 online statistic – Harald Schirmer

    A BIG THANK YOU to all the great people, who viewed, liked or even commented my contributions!! At the end of the year, checking the statistics is not a bad idea – to see your reach and relevance of your posts. I am not a number driven person and surely I could do a lot…
