
Mit Neugier, Respekt & Mut gemeinsam Zukunft gestalten

2015 online statistic – Harald Schirmer


to all the great people,
who viewed, liked
or even commented
my contributions!!

At the end of the year, checking the statistics is not a bad idea – to see your reach and relevance of your posts. I am not a number driven person and surely I could do a lot better by more often checking, what is trending, when to post and with whom to „collaborate“. But this is not me – I want to be authentic, so I say what and when it is important to me 😉 / by being more silent around the holidays e.g., my Klout score dropped from 69 to 67 (which is always calculated by the last 90 days)

2015 Klout score Harald Schirmer
2015 Klout score Harald Schirmer

Still it is very impressive to see how many people viewed my content and reacted, commented and liked it. This is what keeps me going – and showes the value for the time spent.

My Blog statistic:

  • 739 articles
  • 65 pages
  • 721.000 visits – about 10.000 visits / month


2015 Statistic Blog Harald Schirmer
2015 Statistic Blog Harald Schirmer

Other platforms and their reach:

aboutme – Twitter – Facebook – LinkedIn – XING – GooglePlus –  Flickr –  YouTube –  Delicious –  Pinterest –  FotoBlog –  My KLOUT index –  AudioBoom –  Foursquare –  Utopia –  SlideShare …

2015 LinkedIn Schirmer ranking
2015 LinkedIn: Harald Schirmer ranking

contacts: content: media: visits:
followers articles, tweets. pins photo, video, audio
Blog 739 1,120 721,000
Twitter (2015) 1,180 7,152 670 426,000
LinkedIN 723
Xing 831 11,478
Google+ 284 51,529
Flickr 130 2,595 278,112
YouTube 18 11 15,599
Delicious 5 319
Pinterest 83 373
FotoBlog 89 155 6,904
Audioboom 51
Foursquare 86 1,617 458
SlideShare 82 7 14,270
Instagram 184 521



Eine Antwort zu „2015 online statistic – Harald Schirmer“

  1. […] Reihe von Zahlen gibt’s bei Harald Schirmer, den ich leider noch nicht persönlich kennengelernt habe. Fast […]

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