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10 Tipps for better Homeoffice


Being in home office for more than a decade (fully at home – 600 km away from my (no longer existing physical) workplace in headquarters) – here are some tips, to make life better during Corona Isolation

Homeoffice Tips
Homeoffice Tips… maybe beyond the typical things you read elsewhere

e.g. better food when having no/little time to cook:

  • experiment with healthy food (fast food is not a long term solution) – faster, but healthy food recommendations without cantine:
    • smoothies with fresh ingredience, nuts… (if you hate milk, use joghurt or fruit juice)
    • soups can be prepared (bigger amount) – just need to be heated up
    • wraps, sandwiches can be prepared very fast
    • salads in any kind (fruit salad, vegetable salad, fish salad)
    • try also international: couscous, sushi, tortilla, pancace/crepes, egg receipies, pies, sprouts, roots, casseroles

My Top 10 Recommendations for Home Office:


  • don’t be afraid to ask for help!!!!
  • experiment – now it is the best time for throwing away old expectations!
  • don’t ask IF it will work – but HOW you/we can MAKE it work!
  • be open and learn from others – there is no shame in being curious!
  • use free time for rising your maturity – learn use the many platforms out there:
    LinkedIn, YouTube, Udemy, Video2Brain, Kahn Academy…

1. Experiment with your work setup at home

  • find a place with no window in front or in back of your computer
  • the best sitting position, is the next one – so change places frequently
  • think of cables (no one should fall) and a good table setup
  • being constantly in video conferences – think about noise or you disturbing others

2. Create Work/Life Balance Boundaries

  • Separate work and private life (not working in bed or in sleep wear)
  • Don’t work in your bedroom (if possible)
  • have a set of energy spending and structuring rituals (eating, taking a walk, gynmastic, reading, socializing)
  • Life = work + familiy/friends + you + health + learning … balance! (sort it as you have it – think about it)
  • Take care of your relationships – they are essential

3. Prepare for you meetings

  • As collaboration time is „reduced“ to virtual calls, meetings, conferences, make it valuable for both sides
  • check your tech-setup – dedicate devices only for work, to have them always ready
  • know your gadgets – in 9 out of 10, there is a solution found by knowhow, workaround, skills, asking for help
  • schedule your work AND important things in your life – plan

4. Create accountability for Yourself

  • Note down ALL tasks (Helpful Apps: ToDo App, Planner, OneNote, Evernote, Wunderlist, ToDoist, )
  • Do planning every morning and check in the evening what remained open
  • Work on your diszipline (inner accountability substitudes external force/control/rules)
  • getting things done gives you self-effectiveness and the (needed) feeling of having impact
  • Take care of distractions, notifications

5. Be visible, valuable, supportive

  • Reputation in home office works digital: sharing/creating value = reputation
  • Keep your profiles up to date (LinkedIn, Xing, Twitter, internal Kontakt platforms…) – about me should reflect what you do: promote yourself
  • Tagging your own profile with your skills, compentence, expertise, projects… helps the organization „remembering you“
  • commenting and creating articles, wikis, blogs allow others to „follow“ you: Leaders have followers!
  • Learn Twitter
  • Learn LinkedIn
  • Understand Blogging

6. Communicate clearly and efficiently

  • as time is short, think about your impact and personal (department/project) goals and how to achieve them (efficiently)
  • use the right tool/channel for the desired goal (Teams chat, Teams, Slack, Video, ESN (Status Messages, Blog, Wiki, Forum) – Slido, Mentimeter, Stream, YouTube, Zoom, Skype, Trello, Planner)
  • if more than one person involved no eMail but Group chat!
  • if need of getting diverse feedback > ESN Blog or Forum or ask your external networks (how to build a network)
  • consolidate only for you: personal OneNote, Evernote, for your Team „only“: Teams OneNote or shared files, for a greater audience (For One Another): Wiki, Blog, Platforms – be aware of what is allowed (compliance, data protection, security)
  • draft important statements and review them – maybe challenge them with others before using
  • setup a virtual coffee corner – where people can meet regularly without agenda (staying up to date on unplanned topics)
  • getting feedback in bigger teams via forms or polls

7. Protect your health

  • Sitting on a kitchen table for 8+ hours = unhealthy and very likely cause short and long term health issues
  • have regular breaks, walk around, strech, if possible work standing for 10 Minutes per hour (no problem when in a call)
  • calls without the need of taking notes or sharing your screen can also be done „going for a walk“ (in calm areas)
  • experiment with healthy food (fast food is not a long term solution) – faster, but healthy food recommendations without cantine:
    • smoothies with fresh ingredience, nuts… (if you hate milk, use joghurt or fruit juice)
    • soups can be prepared (bigger amount) – just need to be heated up
    • wraps, sandwiches can be prepared very fast
    • salads in any kind (fruit salad, vegetable salad, fish salad)
    • try also international: couscous, sushi, tortilla, pancace/crepes, egg receipies, pies, sprouts, roots, casseroles
  • get sun and fresh air – frequently open window, work on balcony or outside (sun is essential for your health)
  • invest in your health – get healthy chair, fitting desk, a good light

8. Set clear responsibilities

  • coincidence (meeting someone in the coffee corner) is unlikely to help you protect you from missing target dates or deliveries
  • organize your work in your teams – be clear who does what until when
  • organize your private life and activities/responsibilities – recommend:
    have a physical (or digital) planner board:
    planned, done, wishes – with names – daily standup (5 min) who takes care of kids – when, trash, food, shopping, cleaning…
  • plan your free time – have something all look forward too
  • create a „box“ and collect wishes from everyone in the family – once you have time, pull an action and do it (often people lack ideas, when time has come)

9. Communicate, align

  • This is the best time to start your working out loud circle
  • ensure regular exchange with your teams – include a bigger part for „miscellanious“ – in new situations relationships need to be strong to prohibit isolation or missunderstanding
  • create your „glossary“ or ask about the „meaning“ of terms being used (specifically new ones) – there are often different perspectives on one word (transparency = big brother or fundament of social learning?)
  • align in all directions – ensure your leader knows what you do, miss, need including holistic frame conditions, your team knows when to reach you and how
  • communicate your priority channel – and when you can NOT be reached

10. Socialize

  • Science tells us, relationships are the fundament of health, happyness … and success (think about the iceberg model of communication)
  • recommendation to setup a Virtual Coffee Corner, where colleagues can meet: create a channel in your Teams and offer time slots, where people can meet, help each other, exchange…
  • connect with people also outside of your teams
  • use ESN tagging to find others in the organization with the same topics or interesting topics > follow, invite in your network, talk
  • asking for help is great to build relationships

10+1. Have fun

  • creating a pleasant, valuable, appreciative atmosphere in calls makes people „wanting“ to be part of it
  • negative topics, problems or re-organization are no fun, but how we deal with it, can make a big difference – sometimes a good joke can lighten up

I often use the question „how would you love to work?“ opens positive perspectives – ideally being respected and translated into actions – but „knowing“ about each other helps to feel better.

You are not alone!

Eine Antwort zu „10 Tipps for better Homeoffice“

  1. Avatar von Sebastian Kolberg
    Sebastian Kolberg

    Dear Harald, Thank You so much. Really helpful and inspiring. I would like to add one more thing: Why not writing a physical letter in those times. A lot people really appreciate it in times of all the virtual communication.

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