Schlagwort: human resources
The best hiking boots won’t take HR to Mars!
April 14th 2018 – translation of this post by Sebastian Kolberg The DGFP invites you to think about the future of HR in…
Video the Role of HR in the Digital Transformation
Interview with Harald Schirmer (Continental AG) on the Role of HR in the Digital Transformation: German Graduate School: Harald Schirmer…
Supporting future HR with education for a digital world
If you want to change a self-stabilizing system (like hierarchy) it takes various actions, great teams, endurance and multiple levels…
Keynote at 600Minutes Human Resources
Looking forward to my Keynote at 600 Minutes Human Resources conference / Munich Hilton Park, tomorrow. My Topics will be Digital Transformation, Co-Creation, Working…
Veröffentlichung: Mitgestalten – befähigen – führen
Mitgestalten – befähigen – führen – Social Business Infrastrukturen sind kein Selbstzweck … so der Titel eines weiteren Beitrags, diesmal…