Harald Schirmer - es kommt nicht nur darauf an, was wir tun, sondern WIE wir es tun!

Schlagwort: hierarchy

  • Leveraging Complexity

    Leveraging Complexity

    There is quite some material about complexity available – never-the-less it seems one of the biggest challenges to identify complex tasks or problems (and distinguish from complicated or simple ones) and even more to apply reasonable, fitting methods and formats. Today I want to exemplify my personal approach on leveraging the power of complexity. In…


  • Rising trust, engagement and ownership via networks

    Rising trust, engagement and ownership via networks

    As dynamic and complexity rises in organizations, the management desire of employees taking over more responsibility, ownership or even intrapreneurship rises. It seems understood, that more brains – specially once they are collaboratively connected – can better: The big question – often connected to setting up new organizational forms (agile, network, community based…) – is how to sustainably drive this intrinsically motivated behavior in employees and leaders? It just sounds so tempting to delegate a topic to a self-driven network or community. Many attempts to „build up such an active group“ has failed in the past years. Little participation, many questions and doubts on both sides and far away from a self-running system.  With this article I describe some relevant factors, which are needed to build up an engaged network or community and what is needed to be changed, in order to make this not just a one-time effort fading down quickly. Views: 1.585


  • Thoughts about Orgs

    Thoughts about Orgs

    Some thoughts about various Organizational forms and some attributes – not to be seen as good/bad or old/new but to reference which organization is the best for what goal and which tools, what culture is needed to achieve it, plus a people view. UPDATE!!! The power of diverse networks: Just 2 days after publishing my…


  • Ask your great Employees – you hired the best ones!

    Ask your great Employees – you hired the best ones!

    Organizations are so strange. Everyone wants the high potentials, the best employees on the market. But once they are hired, they are often put into the „leader“ (think, involve, solution) and the „employee“ (work, follow, problem) drawer. So employees are not being asked or involved in decision making or planning. That might sound black and…


  • Evolving Organizations from a greater perspective

    Evolving Organizations from a greater perspective

    To be what we are … and to become whatever we are capable of becoming, is the only end in life. Robert Louis Stevenson   Thanks to Kerstin Schinck (Deutsche Bank) I came across this great video, describing the evolution of organizations in correspondence to key aspects in collaboration, goals and participation. I see this…


  • Mein Vortrag bei IntelligenceDays HR der Quadriga

    Mein Vortrag bei IntelligenceDays HR der Quadriga

    Unter dem Hashtag #hrid2016 geht es auch auf Twitter morgen – bei dem von der Quadriaga Hochschule Berlin organisiertem Intelligence Day HR – sicher wieder sehr spannend um die Gestaltung neuer Arbeitswelten, getriggert durch die Digitale Transformation. Selbst bin ich schon sehr gespannt, welche Fragen es zu meinem Vortrag geben wird. Für die Continental AG kann ich…


  • A new Change Management concept

    A new Change Management concept

    Within the last 3 years, I spend a lot of time with the theory and practical use of „Organizational Change Management“. Many discussions (private and business), conferences, own pilots, many days coaching from a great person of Deloitte, learnings by observing outstanding „leaders in change“, participation in the inspiring „Change Agents Worldwide“ network and education by the great ISB (Institut für systemische…


  • Searching for a job? – ask the right questions!

    Searching for a job? – ask the right questions!

    I just had a discussion on what is #E20 (Enterprise 2.0) and we could clearly answer this one by „a holistic approach on how modern companies do business“. In the beginning of Social Media – it was all about Communication and collaboration. Marketing for products and of course for jobs. Today you will hardly find…
