Schlagwort: enterprise social networking
Rising trust, engagement and ownership via networks
As dynamic and complexity rises in organizations, the management want the employees taking over more responsibility, ownership or even intrapreneurship rises. It seems understood, that more brains – specially once they are collaboratively connected – can better: The big question – often connected to setting up new organizational forms (agile, network, community based…) – is how to sustainably drive this intrinsically motivated behavior in employees and leaders? It just sounds so tempting to delegate a topic to a self-driven network or community. Many attempts to „build up such an active group“ has failed in the past years. Little participation, many questions and doubts on both sides and far away from a self-running system. With this article I describe some relevant factors, which are needed to build up an engaged network or community and what is needed to be changed, in order…
Informellen Austausch im Homeoffice verbessern
Ein großer Teil der Entscheider und Mitarbeiter ist in Corona Zeiten im Homeoffice. Wie zu erwarten war, sind Video-Konferenzen jetzt…
Was bringt mir ein Soziales Netzwerk (ESN)?
Immer noch keine einfache Antwort auf eine so einfache Frage? Click here for this article in Englisch Language on LinkedIn…
Interview im HR Performance Magazin
Chefredakteur Franz Langecker des Personalmagazins HR Performance bat mich zum Interview zur Digitalen Transformation und meiner Perspektive auf die Auswirkung…
Buchbeitrag Vernetzte Organisation
Alexander Richter hat in seinem Buch „Vernetzte Organisation“ verschiedenste Perspektiven und Erfahrungen zu modernen Organisationen zusammengefasst. Es geht um flexible…