Harald Schirmer - es kommt nicht nur darauf an, was wir tun, sondern WIE wir es tun!

Schlagwort: system

  • Leadership as emergent property

    1. How do we identify the system in which we operate?2. Do we have the needed competence and attitude for complex or chaotic frame conditions3. Are we able to switch tools, methods, formats, org design accordingly Marion Riehemann posts on LinkedIn about the CYNEFIN framework to wake up Management reflecting on todays decision making and leadership behavior. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/marion-riehemann_leadership-leadershipdevelopment-ceomindset-activity-6895016162548076544-b2C1 Keeping this in mind, we…


  • B&W Challenge 4/5

    Black & White Challenge Today – with picture 4 of the five day challenge – I would like to rise awareness to our strange society – Sometimes we should think a bit more „down to earth“, lower our view to the once not thinking about „work-life-balance“, seeing the poor once on the street, while we…
