Harald Schirmer - es kommt nicht nur darauf an, was wir tun, sondern WIE wir es tun!

B&W Challenge 4/5

Black & White Challenge

B&W Challenge, Bankautomat, schwarzweiß, London, Bettler
Black & White Challenge

Today – with picture 4 of the five day challenge – I would like to rise awareness to our strange society – Sometimes we should think a bit more „down to earth“, lower our view to the once not thinking about „work-life-balance“, seeing the poor once on the street, while we are rushing through time after our important issues.
It is every single one of us, who can make a difference, every day!





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  1. […] Link auf Facebook / Link zum Fotoblog […]

  2. Avatar von Joachim Walter

    Der Zusatztext hat mir sehr gut gefallen. Ich denke genau so.

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