Harald Schirmer - es kommt nicht nur darauf an, was wir tun, sondern WIE wir es tun!

Schlagwort: engagement

  • Leveraging Complexity

    Leveraging Complexity

    There is quite some material about complexity available – never-the-less it seems one of the biggest challenges to identify complex tasks or problems (and distinguish from complicated or simple ones) and even more to apply reasonable, fitting methods and formats. Today I want to exemplify my personal approach on leveraging the power of complexity. In…


  • How to activate your virtual session participants?

    How to activate your virtual session participants?

    In this post, I share my tips to solve this problem: You are in an online meeting or virtual conference, the moderater asks a question… and no one answers – awkward silence … the moderator continues speaking (frustrated). The result: All think „virtual calls don’t work“ or „people do not (want to) interact. In cross-cultural…


  • How muting kills engagement

    How muting kills engagement

    On my mission to improve virtual and hybrid work: Stop MUTING, Start Talking! Ever asked yourself,why there is this strange silenceand little participationin virtual meetings? Before Covid, when many had little technical skills 😉 we learned that muting our microphones prohibits echo and ugly noises. During Lockdowns, we had the chance to learn, how virtual…


  • Feedback = Engagement

    Feedback = Engagement

    One power of social media is in the ease of sharing feedback in many forms. We still see many people struggling with a simple „Thank You“ – which (quite some time ago) I gathered my experience and made a personal, practical feedback recommendation guide. The „features“ needed for this are extremely simple to operate and are available…


  • Ask your great Employees – you hired the best ones!

    Ask your great Employees – you hired the best ones!

    Organizations are so strange. Everyone wants the high potentials, the best employees on the market. But once they are hired, they are often put into the „leader“ (think, involve, solution) and the „employee“ (work, follow, problem) drawer. So employees are not being asked or involved in decision making or planning. That might sound black and…


  • GUIDEs: How I found the most passionate Change Agents

    GUIDEs: How I found the most passionate Change Agents

    Lately more and more people  asked me about the GUIDE Self Introduction Form, which I developed as an application form (and filter) to find voluntary Change Agents. Here it is – with some background information and how I put it together (and why) It has been a lessons learned review for me as well –…


  • Core elements of digital collaboration platforms

    Core elements of digital collaboration platforms

    What do almost all collaboration platforms have in common? learning the basics about the five core elements of digital collaboration, will make your life a lot easier! No matter if it is UBER, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, Slack, LinkedIn, My Hammer, eBay, YouTube, ESN…? Many people struggle about the great amount of different platforms. Once they…


  • Management = ineffiziente Führung

    Management = ineffiziente Führung

    In einem Vortrag gestern auf der CeBIT habe ich folgenden Satz vertreten: „Management is die denkbar ineffizienteste Form der Menschenführung!“ und nicht mehr nachhaltig! Dazu ein paar Stichpunkte: Management bedeutet für mich „Command & Control“ also steuern, Befehle geben und kontrollieren. Das passt wunderbar für Dinge, Ressourcen, Maschinen, Werkzeuge – nicht aber für Menschen, für…


  • IBM Connect in Orlando

    IBM Connect in Orlando

    Once a year the social collaboration professionals and enthusiasts meet in Orlando / USA to present their new ideas, software and achievements in social adoption. IBM as the host of this huge event with about 6.000 participants demonstrated great logistic skills and built a perfect base for all the presentations, sessions, trainings, executive meetings and…
