Schlagwort: cynefin
Goal setting versus leveraging presence
How to cope with complexity – a must see video with Dave Snowden, the inventor of the CYNEFIN framework (sense-making of systems for…
Leadership as emergent property
1. How do we identify the system in which we operate?2. Do we have the needed competence and attitude for complex or chaotic frame conditions3. Are we able…
The BestPractice Trapp
If you ask for BestPractice in a VUCA context > likely to FAIL Best Practice is perfect to learn from each other, no doubt. The…
Podcast by WisR zum Thema Veränderung
Magdalena Vachova und Klaudia Bachinger haben mich vor einiger Zeit zum Podcast-Gespräch bei WisR eingeladen. Eine gute Stunde gehts um…