Harald Schirmer - es kommt nicht nur darauf an, was wir tun, sondern WIE wir es tun!

Schlagwort: global

  • We.Conect – Global Business Leader Conference

    We.Conect – Global Business Leader Conference

    Social Business Collaboration 2015 took place in Berlin October second. A very informative event with great speakers of european companies. I was invited to host a world cafe about the challenges of integration a social collaboration platform into business processes. I created a storify timeline Views: 304


  • Change – Values – One size fits all?

    Change – Values – One size fits all?

    The second part of my thoughts about a modern change management approach is about values and the typical way in big company (or government) to roll out changes: „One size fit’s all“. In my experience today we are able to engage an individual change approach – of course we need a network of supporters for that,…
