Harald Schirmer - es kommt nicht nur darauf an, was wir tun, sondern WIE wir es tun!

Schlagwort: complexity

  • Invitation BarCamp Session about Complexity

    Invitation BarCamp Session about Complexity

    Telekom invites for an inspiring BarCamp Day around „Human Centered Technology“ – I am honored to host a session on Wednesday May 29th at 2:15 pm with the title: How to master today’s complexitywithout simplifying Humans are complex, Nature is complex, Markets are complex – how can simplification be a respectful answer? #CelebrateHumanPower Views: 593


  • Leveraging Complexity

    Leveraging Complexity

    There is quite some material about complexity available – never-the-less it seems one of the biggest challenges to identify complex tasks or problems (and distinguish from complicated or simple ones) and even more to apply reasonable, fitting methods and formats. Today I want to exemplify my personal approach on leveraging the power of complexity. In…


  • Goal setting versus leveraging presence

    How to cope with complexity – a must see video with Dave Snowden, the inventor of the CYNEFIN framework (sense-making of systems for better leadership decisions) giving concrete insights: Views: 240


  • Mein Vortrag bei IntelligenceDays HR der Quadriga

    Mein Vortrag bei IntelligenceDays HR der Quadriga

    Unter dem Hashtag #hrid2016 geht es auch auf Twitter morgen – bei dem von der Quadriaga Hochschule Berlin organisiertem Intelligence Day HR – sicher wieder sehr spannend um die Gestaltung neuer Arbeitswelten, getriggert durch die Digitale Transformation. Selbst bin ich schon sehr gespannt, welche Fragen es zu meinem Vortrag geben wird. Für die Continental AG kann ich…


  • Infographic about Flexibilisation & Individualization

    Infographic about Flexibilisation & Individualization

    Accepted – it is not really an infographic – there are just no pictures included. I still like to use this format for the action-effect-chain. This time I tired to display how Social Media can help on Flexibilisation and Individualization – which is highly required for our more and more complex world. Agility is for…
