Harald Schirmer - es kommt nicht nur darauf an, was wir tun, sondern WIE wir es tun!

Schlagwort: communication

  • Leveraging Complexity

    Leveraging Complexity

    There is quite some material about complexity available – never-the-less it seems one of the biggest challenges to identify complex tasks or problems (and distinguish from complicated or simple ones) and even more to apply reasonable, fitting methods and formats. Today I want to exemplify my personal approach on leveraging the power of complexity. In…


  • Notizen zum IOM Summit 2018

    Notizen zum IOM Summit 2018

    Tag 2 der Fachkonferenz zum Digital Workplace am 19. September 2018 im Hilton Hotel in Bonn. Hier die Zusammenstellung der Notizen von mir und den fleißigen anderen Twitter Nutzern auf der Konferenz über die Keynotes von Jan Weilbacher, Stephan Grabmeier, Joachim Landow, Joachim Haydecker, Simon Dückert und meine eigene am Ende .. einfach immer weiter scrollen.…


  • #nextlearning @Continental

    #nextlearning @Continental

    Within the last years we developed a holistic approach for #leadingChange #nextLearning and #relevantCommunication – In my current project, I have the opportunity to bring all that to the next level on greater scale (150000 employees, 50 countries) Here is a SWAY presentation with an overview and first details about our journey. This should also…


  • What makes a leader a „digital“ leader?

    What makes a leader a „digital“ leader?

    A big part of the Digital Transformation is the role of our leaders. At conferences, magazines and the internet we can read every day, that leaders have to change. I have a slightly different perspective on that. It sees whenever something new comes up, we are talking about „change“ as if there is a magic…
