Schlagwort: business
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Supporting future HR with education for a digital world
If you want to change a self-stabilizing system (like hierarchy) it takes various actions, great teams, endurance and multiple levels to create impact. Next to my work at Continental AG, various keynotes, articles, mentoring, blogging, interviews, podcasts, role modeling, discussions… education is also a great way to ensure not only todays world evolves, but future generations…
Weckruf HR – Arbeit 4.0
Auf findet gerade der 5. Blind HR Battle mit Dr. Winfried Felser gegen Simon Mamerow statt. Es geht um das Thema „Arbeit 4.0“. Da ich direkt angesprochen wurde und in beiden Argumentationen gute Aspekte fand, viel es mir nicht leicht einen der beiden zu voten – in diesem Fall ist ein Kommentar sicher sinnvoller:…
Our Sender-Receiver Problem in Business
Yesterday in our Enterprise 2.0 Meetup in Stuttgart (here are some tweets about it), I presented my interpretation of the „Sender-Receiver“ Problem, which I often see in Business Situations and Leadership. The following model is based on the experience I made with the GUIDE Concept to introduce Social Business in a global company. In the…