
Mit Neugier, Respekt & Mut gemeinsam Zukunft gestalten

Video Recording Enterprise Connect


Planning for a future of constant change“ – has been the title of our panel at the Enterprise Connect Summit in Orlando, USA 2019. Interesting experience to be invited to this IT focused conference with our adoption experience.

Harald Schirmer at Enterprise Connect 2019 in Orlando
talking about adoption in the digital age

There are great tools out there and digitalization makes big progress in terms of communication and collaboration infrastructure, software, hardware and services. The most heard missing piece is „how do we get people to actually use it, change their behavior… drive adoption?“ I am quite happy, that we have good answers at Continental.

If you like, you can watch the recording of our panel discussion now on YouTube:

Most interesting for my colleagues might be the Microsoft Keynote of Lori Wright talking about all the upcoming enhancements of TEAMs:

If you want to watch the other videos of this conference – check out the channel: Enterprise Connect at YouTube

To check the Twitter Stream, look for the Hashtag #EC19

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