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TopCase mounting for BMW CE04 from GIVI


As storage is vital for an urban transport, I ordered the TopCase mount for my all electric BMW CE04 motorbike and the existing GIVI MAXIA 4 V56NNT. Mounting could have been a bit easier – specially as I ran into an issue which I could not solve, following the given instructions, but with a little change in sequence.

BMW CE04 with GIVI TopCase V56NNT

Maybe others also need some help here, so I share the mounting process in a bit more detail.

Parts used: (Facts)

  • Motorbike: BMW CE04
  • TopCase Mount: SR5142 (for Monolock/Monokey System)
  • TopCase Plate: Givi M8 TopCase Kit black size 40 (containing screws)
  • TopCase: GIVI V56NNT MAXIA 4 (owned that already from my BMW R1250GS) – fits 2 helmets easily


3 tools needed: Most important is a solid TORX driver for the original BMW screws, which take quite some force to get out (don’t even try with a hex wrench!!)

Be aware, that most screws are secured by thread lock fluid, which should be replaced if opened. Without the problem I had, the whole action shouldn’t take more than 30 Minutes.

Sorry for the „dirty“ bike – the weather conditions haven’t been ideal 😉

Bike without the mount

First we unscrew the 2 big screws at the back end of the seat, as mentioned use solid Torx tool. Following the manual from GIVI, we now add the short L-brackets with the massive iron distancers to the 2 holes:

two of the four fixing points for the top case mount

Now we unscrew the 2 Torx screws below the seat – ideally with a ratchet (else it takes for a while, as the screws are long and tight):

torx tool to unscrew the original 2 screws under the seat

Now we fix the long mounts to the holes with the provided new GIVI screws (hex head):

mounting the larger piece with the hex head screws to the seat bottom

Looks great already – giving an idea, where the top case is positioned: BEHIND the SEAT (the original BMW solution puts the case on top of the seat, so only one person can ride along)

GIVI mount behind the seat

To get to all 4 (8 on both sides) screws, you need to take off the suspension-cover with 2 hex-screws. The first one (missing already in the picture below) fixes a rubber part, the second the plastic cover. They both get of fairly easy:

remove suspension cover first

This gives you good access to both screws on the left side of your bike for the mounting of the top case bracket:

Here is where I ran into a problem: the mounting holes for the bracket and the additional metal plate (for stability) did not align at all:

holes not in the right position

I tired loosening all the screws again, reviewed all I got from GIVI, checked forums, but I could not find anything, I did wrong. Also exchanging the 2 plates did not solve it:

there was no way to get the screws into those mis-aligned holes

My solution: changing the mounting order – as I did not wanted to drill bigger holes or send them back to GIVI – was to unscrew the first 2 screws at the rear end of the seat and took out the metal distancer.

Than I loosely fixed the 2 plates with all 4 screws – upper 2 screws in the picture below:

don’t tighten any of the screes, to allow some play for fitting the distancer back in

The tricky part is now, to push the metal-distancer back into the gap between the bracket and the thread in the seat, but it worked on both sides with medium force.

Another „production-design-issue“ is that a regular hex-tool is too long to close the seat-back-end screws, which results in scratching the black coating of the metal, when screwing it in:

you need a special hex-tool to tighten the scree, without scratching the bracket

This is how it looks, when you put the suspension cover back on:

I really like the position and angle, slightly pointing upwards.

mounted – top case mount SR5142

Last but not least, we put the provided 8 plastic-caps on the nut-heats. They fit tightly, so I hope they will not be vibrated off too quickly:

nuts look much better with the plastic-caps

The screws are visible as an „additional attachment“, but the overall quality fits to the bike – it looks professional:

mounting done

Mounting the plate for the GIVI top case:

Finally we attach the correct mounting plate for the top case – I chose the black – full aluminum M8. There are other options available here: GIVI LINK

mounted M8 GIVI plate

View from top – there are only 4 screws to fit the plate, 2 additional holes are closed via two rubber-stoppers:

top view M8 mount from GIVI

Right before the next rain fall, mounting was done and fits quite well to the bike, if the top case is off:

BMW CE04 with GIVE top case mount

The top case is attached with a simple click and locked with the key (smart system – key up opens case, key down unlocks the case):

it changes the silhouette quite a bit, but cargo space is needed for practical use

Of course the bike without that additional box looks way cooler, but I need a practical solution for groceries shopping, sports or storing a second helmet. Also for longer trips (where I need the charging cable) requires more space.

Next action will be upgrading the color design 😉 to make the top case better fit the styling.

other positive aspect: passengers don’t fall off so easily

Hope this description will help you to avoid running into the same issue (if there is a better solution – please comment, so others have less hassle)

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2 Antworten zu „TopCase mounting for BMW CE04 from GIVI“

  1. Avatar von Matt

    Thanks for the tip on installing the Givi rack. Based on your install I attached the side plates first and then loosely installed the seat bolts. It went on easily. BMW used a lot of thread locker on their bolts and they were tough to get off.

  2. Avatar von Mark Kunes
    Mark Kunes

    Thanks for this it looks very useful. I get my bike tomorrow after a very long wait. and will order something similar quite soon.

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