
Mit Neugier, Respekt & Mut gemeinsam Zukunft gestalten

Continental goes New Work Style


Currently I am one of the two project leads for our Office 365 – New Work Style. As I promised to „work out loud“ and as a return for the great support from my networks, here is our Team and Project Introduction Video about our implementation and adoption journey.

The global Digital Transformation Project is about to guide our Employees in the digital age – including Cloud, Mobility, more productive and easier Workflows, Networking Culture and Evergreen (everything constantly updated)

Soon I will share more details about our holistically new approach on Leading Change, Communication and „constant learning“ – made for todays dynamic, agile and challenging world. Stay tuned.

Some facts:

Target Group: about 150.000 employees worldwide / 500 locations / 50 countries

Toolset: Moving from various providers and tools to integrated solution with Microsoft Office 365 (Full scale including Teams, Stream, Planner, Flow… for everyone)

Main Challenges:

  • Cloud, Infrastructure (Video)
  • Evergreen (constant updates and no „stable final“)
  • Adoption and learning (making people curious again)
  • Changing the organization to handle this dynamic

9 Antworten zu „Continental goes New Work Style“

  1. Avatar von Bertram Engels
    Bertram Engels

    well, sounds like a simple question: what´s, from an HR point of view, the real new approach? I don´t recognize it by myself …?

    1. Avatar von haraldschirmer

      Hi Bertram, thanks for that „simple“ question – yes I can see, it might not jump into ones eye, what is different here – and believe me, we are working on it, to put it into „HR terminology“ this year. We did experiment with new roles, new organization models, culture hacks, engagement and curiosity campaigns (which ist totally different to regular HR or Communication work), de-centralized, cross functional – self organized teams… just to name a few. It goes all the way from new ways for on boarding, holistic and responsive learning methods, to new processes, new forms of „contracts“ like our Manifest with the works council and so on… stay tuned.
      But no, I think we did not something rocket-science whole new whatever – maybe it is going all the way back to what makes us human, how do we want to work, self-determination, sense and pure positive energy – across various cultures…

  2. […] prove this here in participation campaigns, or here in global change projects or in daily (virtual) teamwork. This requires different tools, different […]

  3. […] beweisen wir hier in Beteiligungskampagnen, oder hier in globalen Veränderungsprojekten oder auch in der täglichen (virtuellen) Teamarbeit. Dazu sind […]

  4. Avatar von Kaiser Stephan
    Kaiser Stephan

    Hallo Herr Schirmer. Für welche Philosophie bei der Vorgehensweise haben sie sich denn bei der o365 Einführung entschieden? – Alle Features offen out off the Box anbieten und die Anwender nach Bedarf & Können ausprobieren- und entscheiden lassen oder selektieren sie das Featrue set ?

  5. Avatar von Harald Schirmer

    Vielen Dank – ich werde immer wieder von dem laufenden Projekt berichten. Wir haben für den „Kulturwandel“ einen neuen Ansatz für Neugier basiertes Lernen, Leading Change und aktivierende Kommunikation als ganzheitliche Konzepte entwickelt, die dem digitalen Zeitalter (und unserer Vorbildrolle) gerecht werden sollen.
    Menschen vom „müssen“ ins „wollen“ begleiten, Optionen anbieten und natürlich maximale Beteiligung sind dabei essentiell. https://www.harald-schirmer.de

  6. Avatar von Gerry Wallner
    Gerry Wallner

    Hallo Harald

    gratuliere, wunderbares Beispiel wie man so ein Change Project angehen sollte.


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