Harald Schirmer - es kommt nicht nur darauf an, was wir tun, sondern WIE wir es tun!

Kategorie: English Content

  • Twitter for beginners – an introduction

    Twitter for beginners – an introduction

    27.12.2017 – translation of my post from 2015 translated by Sebastian Kolberg What is Twitter? What’s that good for? How does that work? …. “But I don’t want to tell you everything about myself… that doesn’t matter anyway… it’s just nonsense… I can’t do anything with it…” > Questions and sentences I come across very…


  • What is my contribution to a better world?

    What is my contribution to a better world?

    Careful with such a „soft“ topic in a logic driven world! No, not at all. In this post I want to share some of my personal background, why I think it is very important to not only spend time to understand latest technology, but also working on our #kindness Let’s build a future together, in…


  • Continental goes New Work Style

    Continental goes New Work Style

    Currently I am one of the two project leads for our Office 365 – New Work Style. As I promised to „work out loud“ and as a return for the great support from my networks, here is our Team and Project Introduction Video about our implementation and adoption journey. https://youtu.be/fVxhbuoamYI The global Digital Transformation Project Views: 2.182


  • Feedback = Engagement

    Feedback = Engagement

    One power of social media is in the ease of sharing feedback in many forms. We still see many people struggling with a simple „Thank You“ – which (quite some time ago) I gathered my experience and made a personal, practical feedback recommendation guide. The „features“ needed for this are extremely simple to operate and are available…


  • Jon Ingham’s new Book „The Social Organization“

    Jon Ingham’s new Book „The Social Organization“

    What an honor! Jon Ingham (British HR Consultant) (LinkedIn / Twitter), Organization Strategist (website) is about to publish a new book, which adds „social and digital“ to our organizational thinking. He gave me the great opportunity to read it upfront and despite having very little time for additional extra projects, this caught my attention very…


  • Ask your great Employees – you hired the best ones!

    Ask your great Employees – you hired the best ones!

    Organizations are so strange. Everyone wants the high potentials, the best employees on the market. But once they are hired, they are often put into the „leader“ (think, involve, solution) and the „employee“ (work, follow, problem) drawer. So employees are not being asked or involved in decision making or planning. That might sound black and…


  • What makes a leader a „digital“ leader?

    What makes a leader a „digital“ leader?

    A big part of the Digital Transformation is the role of our leaders. At conferences, magazines and the internet we can read every day, that leaders have to change. I have a slightly different perspective on that. It sees whenever something new comes up, we are talking about „change“ as if there is a magic…


  • GUIDEs: How I found the most passionate Change Agents

    GUIDEs: How I found the most passionate Change Agents

    Lately more and more people  asked me about the GUIDE Self Introduction Form, which I developed as an application form (and filter) to find voluntary Change Agents. Here it is – with some background information and how I put it together (and why) It has been a lessons learned review for me as well –…


  • netWORK Camp @Daimler

    netWORK Camp @Daimler

    What a great day – Daimler goes digital and started with their first netWORK camp in Stuttgart. 80 highly engaged colleagues gathered to get inspired, to align, share, do workshops and set pace for the digital Journey and Enterprise Social Media implementation. Goal is to build a Multiplier Network like we did with our global…


  • Video the Role of HR in the Digital Transformation

    Video the Role of HR in the Digital Transformation

    Interview with Harald Schirmer (Continental AG) on the Role of HR in the Digital Transformation: German Graduate School: Harald Schirmer is one of five leading HR practice partners in our online course „Human Resource Mangement in the Digital Age“. Starting October 3rd. Our trailer, more details and registration: https://novoed.com/ggs-digihrm. Join in! Views: 318


  • Core elements of digital collaboration platforms

    Core elements of digital collaboration platforms

    What do almost all collaboration platforms have in common? learning the basics about the five core elements of digital collaboration, will make your life a lot easier! No matter if it is UBER, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, Slack, LinkedIn, My Hammer, eBay, YouTube, ESN…? Many people struggle about the great amount of different platforms. Once they…


  • If you are afraid of information overflow

    If you are afraid of information overflow

    If you are afraid of information overload, you can keep crying or start improving your skills! Blaming information, people or… is not going to help you. In fact the information has not increased, but it’s accessibility, Today it is finally possible to get information from many places, events and actions with just one click. As…


  • LinkedIn Executive Summit 2016

    LinkedIn Executive Summit 2016

    Tomorrow I am looking forward to my presentation at the LinkedIn Executive Summit in the brand new LinkedIn DACH headquarters in Munich. Some hours of intensive exchange around digitalization, future work and what I am specifically interested in – what to expect next from LinkedIn’s portfolio 😉 In my presentation I will focus on the experience with…


  • If you are afraid of flexible work

    If you are afraid of flexible work

    If you are afraid of loosing control with flexible work (home office, part time, flexible hours, mobile work, sabbatical) not home office is your problem, but your leadership style … start improving it. Build trust, learn to share responsibility, enable your employees, respect their (and your) needs. You hired the best people – don’t treat…


  • Collaborative writing – appreciation and lessons learned

    Collaborative writing – appreciation and lessons learned

    I am officially flashed! In the spirit of social collaboration, I asked my network to review, extend, criticize and challenge my draft for an article. Before I will consolidate the great input to one fluent document I would like to say a big THANKYOU to all the thoughts and work, which the contributors shared. https://haraldschirmer.titanpad.com/3 By…


  • Supporting future HR with education for a digital world

    Supporting future HR with education for a digital world

    If you want to change a self-stabilizing system (like hierarchy) it takes various actions, great teams, endurance and multiple levels to create impact. Next to my work at Continental AG, various keynotes, articles, mentoring, blogging, interviews, podcasts, role modeling, discussions… education is also a great way to ensure not only todays world evolves, but future generations…


  • Social Collaboration Maturity Level 2 – „WHAT“

    Social Collaboration Maturity Level 2 – „WHAT“

    Observing colleagues going through the maturity phases I noticed – as in most other change processes – their questions changed quite a bit, helping me to identify very fast which maturity they have achieved so far. That is very important to be able to help them with accurate support. This might sound very trivial and clear,…


  • Social Collaboration Maturity Levels

    Social Collaboration Maturity Levels

    Working in virtual teams requires a new set of communication and collaboration skills. Based on todays available technology we have many more options for collaborative work without the limitation of time and location. Accepting that virtual collaboration is a compromise, it is the status quo for our todays work with colleagues, teams, companies, customers or…


  • Evolving Organizations from a greater perspective

    Evolving Organizations from a greater perspective

    To be what we are … and to become whatever we are capable of becoming, is the only end in life. Robert Louis Stevenson   Thanks to Kerstin Schinck (Deutsche Bank) I came across this great video, describing the evolution of organizations in correspondence to key aspects in collaboration, goals and participation. I see this…


  • Digital Transformation is not a project!

    Digital Transformation is not a project!

    Thoughts about change, projects and a better way to deal with something new … People Development You can’t get around digital transformation anymore. So far so good. Now the strategists think of how to react, what to do and where to go. It seems a natural reaction to start a „Digital Transformation Project“. Projects are…
