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China – Shanghai 2015


A business trip to China / Shanghai for our ASIA HR Conference – to present and drive forward our „Digital Transformation“… here on Flickr some Photos which I took around this visit – enjoy

Shanghai 2015
Shanghai 2015

Connecting to Facebook, Twitter or some other Social Media Channels was not possible for me – but it seems that everyone here is permanently online on WeChat or Sina Weibo (the biggest one), Renren, Tencent, Douban – So the biggest hobby of Chinese people right now seems to be SELFIE’s

Selfie's everywhere - best accessory: Selfie-Sticks
Selfie’s everywhere – best accessory: Selfie-Sticks


Capitalism is quite established there (you can get a Jeans from around 10 Euro to 500 Euro), I had the feeling that there were a lot more luxury cars e.g.

Shanghai 2015 - luxury
Shanghai 2015 – luxury

Weather was typically hot but not so clear as at my last visit. I found everyone very kind, open and respectful. Taxi driving is rather cheap – so for 20 RMB you get to most places downtown. What surprised me was the advantage they have in terms of electro-mobility.

Almost all scooters are electric now, which has quite an impact on noise and air pollution (and proves that it works).

Electro Scooter
Electro Scooter

On my flight from Munich to Shanghai I stopped at Abu Dhabi – which gave me the chance to see some of the sand cities in the dessert (from plane)… quite impressive:

Abu Dhabi - Desert cities
Abu Dhabi – Desert cities


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