More than a year ago I uploaded a video about our „Global GUIDE Kick-Off Event“, which was a big „visible“ milestone in Continentals internal Social Media implementation. My task was to find a way to reach out to all of our employees, get them connected and engaged in our new Business Networking environment.
After we had this global Kick-Off event in Hamburg, everyone was working with great passion and creativity in bringing their own plants and even countries online. Constantly rising number of users but also great use-cases were the results.
Here is the video again – which gives a little bit of an idea, what we tried to achieve:
In 2013 we had a serious of GUIDE regional events – to „come to the people“ – did local road
shows, management involvement and trainings (of updates and other tools of our more and more integrated environment). Germany – Romania – Singapore – China – Mexico – USA … and this time those events were locally organized and very culture specific – unique and great …again. Both we and the GUIDEs learned a lot about our cultures, about new ways of communication and collaboration and beyond … it is already influencing roles, services and products.
Now with more than 2/3 of all (now) possible employees (about 90k) being in our network, we see an extremely high usage of more than 60% (within 1 month) or in numbers about 25.000 users active in one week – average! The content is great, valuable and more and more integrated into our business workflows and processes. At the end of our project, we could even win the „Corporate Functions Award“ and now the biggest Award in our company – the global „OUR BASICS AWARD“
The story continues…

Today even internationally more and more companies (with big names!) also use this concept – even with the same name 😉 …makes me proud.
Additional Resources about the GUIDE concept:
- Why do big Companies need Social Media? (German 2012)
- Why Social Media? (German)
- Lessons learned form Social Media Implementation (English 2014)
- Die Story des GUIDE Netzwerks (Podcast 2015)
- other GUIDE content on my blog
- more Enterprise 2.0 articles on my blog
- insights about my way of Leading Change
- Article in HumanRelationsManager Magazin (German 2016)
- Article about the Social Business Adoption at Schulze-Kopp Blog
- Podcast Interview about the learnings and next steps in Digital Transformation (German 2016)
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